Use "with his feet on the ground|with his foot on the ground" in a sentence

1. In spite of his overnight stardom he still manages to keep his feet on the ground.

2. Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.

3. We grapple on the wet ground - both of us with a hand on his gun.

4. He sat on the ground listlessly with his head hanging and said nothing.

5. 22 At least she is a paragon with her feet on the ground.

6. Garvey worshipped the ground his wife walked on.

7. 19 Daredevil Daisy likes the high wire, but juggler Jack prefers his feet firmly on the ground.

8. The Brambliest Logan arbitrated his summary on the ground

9. In his rear mirror he watched his father struggle with the doors and manhandle the basket on to the ground.

10. He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.

11. Oliver turned out his pockets and spread out his loot on the ground.

12. We are 30,000 feet in the air, with nothing to look forward to on the ground.

13. 6 The speaker ground on, oblivious of his listeners' boredom.

14. Note the humble posture described here —Elijah on the ground with his head bowed so low that his face was near his knees.

15. 23 He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife's lover.

16. And now he's going to turn around, close his eyes, and find a plate on the ground with his eyes closed.

17. You're on dangerous ground if you criticize his family.

18. He lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.

19. Mary pours the oil on Jesus’ head and on his feet and then wipes his feet with her hair.

20. Altitude: Cora flies between 1500 – 5000 ft AGL (above the ground) Dimensions: 21 feet long with a 36 foot wingspan

21. I am weary of having my feet on the ground, dearest.

22. He was arrested for drunkenness on his way to the football ground.

23. The stool hit the Cupbearer on his right hand and knocked him down: the man fell with a cry flat on his back, and his wine-jug fell ringing to the ground

24. “His spirit goes out, he returns to the ground; on that very day his thoughts perish.”

25. The tramp always keeps his eyes peeled for coins lying on the ground.

26. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin'life.

27. He no doubt reasoned that here on flat ground, Israel’s poorly equipped foot soldiers would have no chance against his chariots.

28. Lift incoming foot off the ground about one centimetre and balance on other foot before changing sides.

29. 17 A glance behind confirmed his fears. His pursuer was gaining ground on him rapidly.

30. He flung his books down on the ground and ran after the other children.

31. He was made to kneel down on the ground, his head over the grate.

32. With John Ingram we are on firmer ground.

33. A woman, prostrate with grief, lay wailing on the ground.

34. • An early printer with his press Ground Floor Panels - North Side:

35. He's annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground.

36. You'll be cut to pieces before he sets foot on solid ground.

37. This chief came Bedaubed from head to foot with White Clay, with no moccasins on his feet, though the cold was severe & a robe merely thrown round his naked body

38. — Ground clearance 60 mm (min) with a upward slope angle of 10° on top for going forward (under the foot rest)

39. Laying his cloak on the ground, he threw on it gold rings and pearls and precious stones.

40. 11 They beat him down to the ground and stamped him on his body.

41. Unexpectedly, the ground seemed to disappear under his feet as he stumbled into a deep, hidden hole.

42. He ground his cigarette into the ashtray.

43. This chief came Bedaubed from head to foot with White Clay, with no moccasins on his feet, though the cold was severe & a robe merely thrown round his naked body

44. “I climbed down from old Banner, fell to the ground by his feet, and began to cry.

45. “It is the quality which keeps a man on his feet with his face to the wind.

46. It is the quality which keeps a man on his feet with his face to the wind.

47. He dropped a cigar butt and ground it into the carpet with his heel.

48. The soldier impacted his sword into the ground.

49. 29 A man sitting on the curb on Baldwin Avenue with his feet in the gutter.

50. You saw his shoes when he was dragging you.You saw his face when he had you on the ground

51. Aircraft on the ground

52. His remuneration is putting people's shoes on the ground upside-down next to each other.

53. Fearlessly, Jim laced into his attackers, and soon they all lay unconscious on the ground.

54. The aircraft, while in flight, will communicate with technicians on the ground.

55. My feet sank into the soft ground.

56. If people need a rest on the way what's wrong with sitting on the ground?

57. Terry ground his teeth in consternation.

58. With the utmost tact, he endeavored to win over his audience by establishing common ground.

59. 15 The bowman will not stand his ground,

60. He refused to shift his ground .

61. They nest on the ground, usually in dry locations with low vegetation.

62. He ground his knee into the man's stomach.

63. We only have an everlasting credo: feet on the ground, before walking in a dream.

64. It's dirty on the ground.

65. He was bouncing on his back with his feet against the car to keep from being run over.

66. His horse snorted, tossing its head so that foam flew in dark patches on the ground.

67. While Guy stepped off, hardly out of breath, his competitor collapsed on the ground in exhaustion.

68. 4 The black cat kept drubbing on the ground with its white paws.

69. You're on dangerous ground when you talk politics with Ed.

70. Four feet above the ground its diameter may be 36 feet.

71. Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin.

72. The boy was dragging his coat along the ground.

73. When your feet hit the ground, call me.

74. He put his foot on the accelerator and dipped his headlights.

75. I said on the ground!

76. His hometown razed to the ground during the war.

77. Such prisoners are accommodated on ground floors or on floors with lift access

78. The very laborer , with his thatched cottage and narrow slip of ground, attends to their embellishment.

79. But knowing that the mischievous youngsters would make off with his boots if he left them on the ground, he tied them to his waist-band before he started the climb.

80. He was on foot, wounded, with a full Cossack posse up his ass.